I'm looking to buy a Platinum skinned or Divine Skinned monk staff. My basic requirements for the item i'm looking for is Max dmg, Max energy, and divine requirement of 12 or under.
If it has a +% recharge/cast time I'd prefer it to be towards protection or global.
Mods dont matter to me as I will strip them anyways and put my own max's on there.
I have Defensive Platinum Staff of Restoration Magice REquires 11 Divine Favor, I haven't checked on the stats in awhile but if your still interested in a perfect platinum staff reply to this thread.
If you are still looking for one, i have a r9 Divine, 20% HSR E+10 insc one
the current mods are E+5^50, Insightful head +5E and a 20% Enchant Wrap.
Pm me In game with an offer Balthazarz Minion <--IGN